A School Home

Our community is dedicated to raising children consciously while providing a strong foundation for their spirit.


To inspire and encourage children to become abundant and conscious creators of their own lives,
empowered by their soul.

The Creative School provides an excellent environment for holistic development of
the child with a strong foundation in spiritual science. 

Our community is dedicated to raising children consciously while providing a strong foundation for their spirit. Keeping this vision in our hearts, our sangha – our community of teachers and parents – is working towards co-creating such a space. It is our strong spiritual foundation that gives us the direction, tools, and drive to achieve this.

Creative School is a sangha: a spiritual community and home. One of the most striking aspects of our school is the sense of community it provides. The environment is like a home – a large family. Children have a sense of home at school. The school itself is a sangha of children and adults – staff, teachers and parents. We work together to evolve and grow. We really support each other in our spiritual growth and for each others’ daily routines. Community involvement and connections are emphasized. This environment has truly helped children adjust easily. School is not seen as an intimidating space but as a comfortable space to explore. Our children are growing leaps and bounds in confidence in such an environment.

Holistic Education

Holistic education empowers children to live lives fully by bringing awareness to all aspects of their  life – body, mind, emotions, and soul. It is easy for most of us to lose touch with their own selves during the course of life. Our attempt is to first help teachers (and parents) integrate and acknowledge themselves  holistically while raising  children from this consciousness. We learn to become aware of all aspects of our being and find ways to navigate successfully in this physical world. As we get in touch with all parts of us, a sense of  vitality and confidence is born. We can then return to our inner source of strength and empowerment. We strive to inspire and encourage children to become abundant and conscious creators of their own lives with each following their own unique path, empowered by their inner voice and strength.